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La Mente che Mente

Your mind interferes constantly with reality, giving it a color, a shape that does not belong.The mind is confusion. The mind  does not allow you ever to see everyting as it is, allows you to see only what she wants to see. Your mind continues to tempt, and continues to deceive, to manipulate and always to create you new illusions. Watch the your mind and its thoughts flow of emotions and their implications, in this way you will became to see the world as it is, without superimpose conditioning,  prejudices,  divisions, expectations which come from mind. Thoughts and thoughts ... thousands of thoughts that roar, crashing on each other, fighting each other, fighting over your attention. 


Size: 40x40x30 Material:  mixed media, acrylic, paper mache, photographs, resin on canvas.


Deity, goddess of the sea whose name derives from the greek word kalyptein "She who hides." In this sculpture there is a hidden

artist object that is inside it love and hate, male and female, good and evil, in the right proportion.

Size: 20x30x15 Material: mixed media, acrylic, paper mache,photographs, resin on canvans.

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